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Не мога да се ориентирам, дали това е отговор на моето запитване от преди малко и дали мога да отгов... more...
06.04.17 20:22Hallo, I want to buy RFID Emulator. Price? Thank you more...
29.03.17 21:57hello sir good evening sir actully i have purchased your application and i have programmed the ardui... more...
25.01.17 20:32
Schematic and Photos of Smart Voice Controller |
( 5 Votes )
Smart Voice Controller is a device that is extremely practical, interesting and easy to make. Through it you can control up to 8 devices in your home, by voice commands from your smartphone. You only need your phone to work with Android, has Bluetooth and internet. The device consists of: Software for Smartphones with ANDROID: The software converts your voice commands and sends them to the controller. For this conversion need to have Internet connectivity on your phone. Commands wich will controll each individual relay output (or multiple outputs), must be predefined and stored in the controller below. ie each relay should know what command will change it's state. Example: relay 1 (ON) - Voice COMMAND: light on relay 1 (OFF) - Voice COMMAND: light off relay 2 (ON) - Voice COMMAND: fan on relay 2 (OFF) - Voice COMMAND: fan off ........................ Command for relay response is pre-set in the Arduino controller software which we describe below in the article. To download the software for Android, visit section Software for Android in the same article.
Controller (with 8 relay outputs): To make the controller there is no need to have skills in making circuit boards. The controller is constructed of 3 modules which are sold at electronics stores. You only need to connect them as described. Even if they are not available in local stores in your town, all devices can be ordered online. Arduino UNO - Look at JY-MCU Bluetooth module- this is serial bluetooth module but placed on board to work with 5 volts. Can be used only HC-05 or HC-06 if you do not find JY-MCU but remember to lower the voltage to 3.3 volts. JY-MCU can buy from 8 Channel 12V or 5V module for Arduino- it is recomпended to use a 12 volt model of the shield, although the 5 volt are most used. If triggered 8 realys with 5 volts supply taken from Arduino voltage regulator has risk to preheat the regultor. For this reason we use 12 volt version and take the power directly before build-in voltage regulator in Arduino. You can find shield in 12V power supply - can be purchased from any eletronics store.
Controller software (for Arduino): The code of SVC_Arduino.ino is attached below. This code must be loaded into the Arduino to be able to respond to your voice commands. With red colored lines is marked the code where you can change it to use your custom voice commands. You can also add process like allon() in the code, to trigger only a couple of relays simultaneously with one command, instead of all (as is done with the voice command all on/off below in the code). The schematic can be set to react in different languages. Once you upload the code to the Arduino, the schematic does not require computer to work.
//----------------------Set Relays state the begin-------------------//
When programming the Arduino. disconnect TX and RX pin from the Bluetooth module because it can cause a conflict in communication and may not be able to upload the software.
Source code - Archive contains only the source code for Arduino.
Arduino and source code - Archive contains Arduino software including source code of the controller.
The password for all archives article:
Additional information about the Bluetooth module: Bluetooth module operates normally with its default settings. Default password for bluetooth module is 1234.If you decide to have more control in the options of the module i suggest you read the following article. In in you will find information: How to change the name of the bluetooth, password entry or speed of data transfer. Good luck with your experiments. Modify-The-HC-05-Bluetooth-Module.pdf Pictures:
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Interactive Flower
Reflow Oven Controller
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RFID emulator
3D LED Cube
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Smart Voice Controller
Smart Media Center
7-seg. coundown count.
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sir actully i have purchased your application
and i have programmed the arduino
sir the problem is wen iam saying the command the relays are not working even after connecting bluetooth
and sir next thing is
while switching on the project board itz not showing orange light (L) so sir can iknow whats the problem
i will be waiting for your reply
thanks in advance