Last comments:
Не мога да се ориентирам, дали това е отговор на моето запитване от преди малко и дали мога да отгов... more...
06.04.17 20:22Hallo, I want to buy RFID Emulator. Price? Thank you more...
29.03.17 21:57hello sir good evening sir actully i have purchased your application and i have programmed the ardui... more...
25.01.17 20:32
Hack PS2 Slim |
( 2 Votes ) After looking for a few hours on the internet about hacking Play Station 2 rev.90004, through the newer MATRIX Infinity 2.0 chip and not found ready picture of the hack I decided to experimenting. It bothered me that most of the pictures are for old chip MODBO but it has one more pin. "Cx". But it's not needed in newer hack, ie when use the newer hack you have to solder one wire less. All other letters are the same, a pin "RE" = "R". Here's what you get after putting the hack chip.
Menu (Frontend-User-Access)
Interactive Flower
Reflow Oven Controller
Mirror "Tube"
RFID emulator
3D LED Cube
RFID logger
Smart Voice Controller
Smart Media Center
7-seg. coundown count.
Gallery (OTHER)
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